The ASMT subsidizes your cost so it comes to less than 60% of the cost of being a Scout!
First-time or Renewal Registration ....$335
Cabin Usage ………......................................$65 (Contribution towards Scout Cabin annual operating costs; you will receive a donation receipt for this portion of your payment)
Sibling Discount (if applicable)...........…....$25
Your registration cost includes national registration costs (including a subscription to Boys Life magazine), advancement badges, equipment and meeting costs, and most camping/activity fees for a full year. First time registrants also receive a troop hat, class B shirt, neckerchief slide, and handbook.
FINANCIAL AID IS AVAILABLE - Please contact your Scoutmaster or Committee Chair in confidence for aid.
Select unit below to start registration process.
The Scout Cabin is not owned by the Boy Scouts of America or by the Town of Darien, nor does it obtain funding from any town, state or national sources. The Andrew Shaw Memorial Trust (ASMT), a private non-profit trust established in 1926 to provide a place for Darien Boy Scouts and their activities, is your chartering organization and owner of the Scout Cabin and property. The ASMT’s mission is to provide a home and financial support for its sponsored units and to ensure a quality Cub Scout and Scouts BSA program for the benefit of youth in the Town of Darien. It sponsors all Scouts BSA and Cub Scout units in Darien including Troop 35, Troop 53, Troop 219, Pack 55, Pack 56, Pack 155, Pack 161 & Venture Crew 353.
The Andrew Shaw Memorial Scout Cabin is a unique and rare asset for the Scouts of Darien. Almost all BSA troops have to use outside venues for meetings and events. The fact that we have our own property and facility dedicated to the use of our Scouts is very, very special. To keep our asset sound we rely on the hard work of many volunteers and the generosity of private donors. Operating and maintaining the Scout units and cabin costs over $90,000 a year and the ASMT relies solely on your registration fees, private donations and its fundraising efforts to cover these costs.
Parental involvement is essential in Darien Scouting to maintain the excellent youth development programs we have here in Darien. Our invaluable volunteers are the heart of our organization. There are many ways to help and there is a place for all skills and personal interests. We hope you can help make an impact by volunteering for as many of these needs as possible.
Pack/Troop Committee: All parents are asked to consider a role on their child’s Unit Committee. Whether working directly with Scouts or helping out behind the scenes, you are necessary and will make a difference! Parental roles run the gamut from unit leader, assistant leader, to advancement coordinator, treasurer, communications, merit badge counselor, board of review member and many, many more! Contact your committee chair to see where you can best assist.
Annual Darien Scouts Tag Sale: Every year on the first Sunday in May, Darien Scouts hold a giant tag sale. It is our major annual fundraiser, providing most of the funds needed to meet our annual operating costs. Scouts are expected to volunteer a minimum of 12 hours per Scout and adults are expected to volunteer a minimum of 12 hours per family to this crucial event that keeps our facilities running and our exceptional programs thriving.
Annual Appeal Letter Personalization: A yearly appeal is sent to Scout families and friends in Darien. Parents are asked to help with personalizing letters and facilitating the mailing, usually in late October/early November. Tax-deductible donations can be mailed anytime to ASMT, P.O. Box 2315, Darien, CT 06820 or donated online at
ASMT Operating Board: This board of inspiring volunteers, comprised of a mix of current parents and alumni, manages the day to day operations of the Scout Cabin, its property and the Scouting Units. New members are added to the Operating Board every year as others complete their volunteer terms. Parents and alumni of all skills are needed to help run The ASMT, including administrative, communications, house & grounds management, PR, fundraising, finance, audit, and hospitality. Reach out to darienscouts@gmail for more information or if you are interested in joining the board.